Release History

1.4 2005-03-24First ever release of javaconfig from outside Chess.
1.3 2004-08-19
1.2 2004-08-12
1.1 2004-05-21

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Release 1.4 - 2005-03-24

fix Removed expired Clover plugin in favour of jCoverage. realrolfje
add Added maven target "distribute" to be able to easily upload distributions to sourceforge. realrolfje
add Added simple version of a javaconfig developer manual, to cater the development of javaconfig itself. realrolfje
add Added support for File. gbo
add Added InputStream validation (catches invalid escape sequences). gbo
add Added first ConfigResolver. gbo

Release 1.3 - 2004-08-19

add Added support for MessageFormat patterns. gbo
fix Improved equals() method of PropertyDisplayItem, so it can be used correctly when dealing with multiple Config classes. Thanks to Erik Visser . gbo
update Updated documentation and JavaDoc; added example on overriding getValue() method. Thanks to Erik Visser . gbo

Release 1.2 - 2004-08-12

update Improved logging of comma-separated value lists. gbo
fix Fixed source-code warning about incorrect call to a static method; updated JavaDoc. gbo

Release 1.1 - 2004-05-21

add Added call to retrieve a String[ ] array from a comma-separated value list. gbo
add Location of the properties can now be any URL, not necessarily a File URL. The location of the properties is more flexible this way. gbo
fix Made sure static methods in a Config class are ignored and not considered a property. gbo